Faye is married to Elliott , has a 290 day old son named Ezra and a 205 day old daughter named Anais , and has a pet cat named Prudence.
Farm horse: Henrietta
1 Sheep: Peepa
1 White Cow: Howl
1 White Chicken: No
1 Brown Chicken: Bobo
6 Pigs: Snack , Reese , Lil Richard , Gilbo , Fubbie , Snortley
1 Brown Cow: Sophie
5 Dinosaurs: Ugga , Lillia , Schnappi , Furiosa , Fragg
1 Void Chicken: No-mo
2 Rabbits: Luna , Sweeps
2 Ducks: Mindy , Wumbus
2 Goats: Francis , Ro-Ro
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