Edmund is married to Penny , has no children, and has a pet dog named Baldwick.
Farm horse: Grumbo
4 Sheeps: Snuners , Kelley , Snallers , Fakie
4 White Cows: Brinabo , Greffe , ZiZi , Brucka
1 White Chicken: Zernard
2 Brown Chickens: Grenu , Fecki
2 Pigs: Batrina , Trasko
6 Brown Cows: Getsabo , Trarley , Greppo , Sutabell , Nallo , Shurta
4 Rabbits: Sasper , Puma , Zetsabell , Cholla
5 Ducks: Suno , Shamina , Rozzy , Kipie , Pine
8 Goats: Chetche , Minie , Fa , Lubbie , Wamabo , Wa , Paishe , Lack
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