Iorhael is married to Sam , has a 772 day old son named Frodo and a 682 day old daughter named Luthien , and has a pet dog named Piper.
Farm horse: Bill
1 White Cow: Lubbie
2 White Chickens: Snapley , Snetu
1 Brown Chicken: Pa
7 Pigs: Eowyn , Aragorn , Faramir , Fatche , Boromir , Fatsie , Shilla
2 Brown Cows: Pippin , Merry
3 Dinosaurs: Tong , Gatchleye , Loners
2 Ducks: Breppa , Zumbo
2 Rabbits: Gesley , Lussie
1 Void Chicken: Snumbus
2 Goats: Pollers , Samwise
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