Sedrio is married to Leah , has a 259 day old daughter named Slagatho and a 193 day old son named Boon , and has a pet dog named Felix.
Farm horse: Pzycho
5 White Cows: Pumbo , Shirta , Kinnie , Nitcho , Chotchi
4 White Chickens: Norturt , Kanny , Tover , Shubbie
1 Brown Chicken: Shenabell
12 Pigs: Nulla , Tirtonie , Ketsa , Jeff , Goeff , Geoffery , Fekoda , Bro-mo , Prikie , Kono , To-mo , Rani
5 Brown Cows: Ganny , Trenabo , Kasi , Zetley , Fosu
1 Dinosaur: BrownMan
6 Rabbits: Hop , Clumzy , Mus , Gramma , Griskers , Insects
12 Ducks: Ajax , Zitsley , Mogee , Wiko , Gruntilda , Goto , To , Duckong , Ju , Prutse , Gollanie , Somell
2 Goats: Jullumo , Giso
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