Eirian is married to Leah , has a 96 day old daughter named Exhibit A and a 28 day old son named Exhibit B , and has a pet cat named Sir.Fluffkins.
Farm horse: Coconut
4 Sheeps: Fleece , Fluff , MiniMammoth , Jumper
2 White Cows: Moomin , MookingMoo
3 White Chickens: Zucko , Herr Clucks , Gravy
3 Brown Chickens: French , Cheeper , Roasted
8 Pigs: Crackling , Scratchings , Bacon , PulledPork , Sausage , Stew , PorkChop , Wellington
2 Brown Cows: Mc.Moo , MiniMoo
4 Rabbits: Flopsy , Bopsy , Topsy , Hopsy
6 Ducks: Duk , Quack , Crispy , Featherstone , Pancake , Hoi-Sin
4 Goats: SpikeFace , Gringo , Goatye , Herman
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