Ruby is married to Harvey , has a 135 day old son named Mica and a 69 day old daughter named Amethyst , and has a pet cat named Topaz.
Farm horse: Pearl
2 Sheeps: Liquorice , Gumdrop
2 White Cows: Quik , Hershey
2 White Chickens: Pomelo , Pineapple
2 Brown Chickens: Mango , Papaya
2 Pigs: Cashew , Chestnut
2 Brown Cows: Cadbury , Dove
4 Rabbits: Strawberry , Clover , Laurel , Hazel
3 Ducks: Daisy , Sweet Pea , Petunia
4 Goats: Parsnip , Radish , Rutabaga , Turnip
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