Shaybob is married to Harvey , has a 12 day old daughter named Patrica , and has a pet dog named Toby.
Farm horse: Ragnar
3 White Cows: Cow 4 , Prakumo , Cow 1
2 White Chickens: Sina , Cha-Cha
5 Brown Chickens: Shella , Brerley , Pa , Shina , Jotsabo
4 Pigs: Babe , Pigglet , Porky , Wilber
8 Brown Cows: Cow 3 , Cow 6 , Chekaboo , Snano , Catcha , Cow 5 , Cow 2 , Zata
3 Ducks: Chirto , Ponu , Chopell
1 Goat: Pranny
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