Shaybob is married to Harvey , has a 270 day old daughter named Patrica and a 201 day old son named Jake , and has a pet dog named Toby.
Farm horse: Ragnar
3 White Cows: Cow 1 , Cow 4 , Prakumo
12 Ducks: Tipe , Rosa , Lurters , Duck 2 , Runio , Duck 4 , Trumbo , Gemie , Duck 1 , Duck 3 , Shatita , Lacku
9 Brown Chickens: Chash , Pa , Brerley , Cona , Shella , Neckardo , Shina , Jotsabo , Rutsu
24 Pigs: Porky , Mr. Porky , Wilber , Wiggly , Piggly , Babe , Miss Piggy , Porkly , Pigglet , Hamm , Orson , Arnold , Pumu , Frarta , Palle , Lillody , Kamu , Maishe , Retch , Gretsley , Chotcha , Pracka , Caishe , Zinony
8 Brown Cows: Zata , Cow 5 , Cow 6 , Cow 3 , Cow 2 , Snano , Catcha , Zickard
1 Dinosaur: Denver
12 Rabbits: Ro-mo , Zoma , Thumper , Fluffy , Brackoze , Lucky , Rellabell , Snowflake , Fakurt , Buno , Pusina , Ji
1 Void Chicken: Jita
1 Goat: Goatly
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