Nick is married to Alex , has a 196 day old son named Benji and a 108 day old daughter named Lira , and has a pet cat named Matcha.
Farm horse: Hugh
2 Sheeps: Blossom , Pico
2 White Chickens: Soma , Kanabell
2 Brown Chickens: Julian , Chungy
3 Pigs: Arthur , Cutlet , Mambo
2 Brown Cows: Jello , Bertha
2 Dinosaurs: Sunny , Chesnut
2 Ducks: Numnum , Chuggette
2 Rabbits: Bella , Rosy
2 Void Chickens: HealTHCare , Feta
3 Goats: Zinya , Bam Bam , Baati
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