Jackie is married to Abigail , has a 165 day old daughter named Lillian and a 80 day old son named Ned , and has a pet dog named Ghost.
Farm horse: Tina
3 Sheeps: Pipina , Franny , Penelope
3 White Cows: Moolissa , Betsu , Patty
1 White Chicken: Keiko
1 Brown Chicken: Lemon
4 Pigs: Maki , Confit , Fupa , Pancetta
3 Brown Cows: Cocoa , Tripe , Bobo
3 Dinosaurs: Lizzie , PaPa , Billy
5 Ducks: Cho-mo , Plum , Peking , Pumbo , Topper
5 Rabbits: Twix , Floof , Ruby , Poof , Waffles
2 Void Chickens: Death , Darkly
4 Goats: Gretchen , Barb , Britse , Maple
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