Colette is married to Sebastian , has a 196 day old son named James and a 109 day old daughter named Viv , and has a pet cat named Sciet.
Farm horse: Buttstallion
4 White Cows: Mush , Rush , Slush , Tush
1 White Chicken: Chikorita
4 Brown Chickens: Chikko , Chicklette , Chikadee , Chicci
1 Blue Chicken: Maya
4 Pigs: Peony , Master , Trumby , Pignati
1 Brown Cow: Mantas
4 Ducks: Digsby , Foze , Chuckles , Bobo
2 Rabbits: Reye , Aya
1 Void Chicken: Lunelle
2 Goats: Goatse , Jatt
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