Ciel is married to Elliott , has a 167 day old son named Rowan and a 101 day old daughter named Juniper , and has a pet cat named Piper.
Farm horse: Quesadilla
1 White Cow: Shelby
5 Ducks: Freckles , Ketchup , Molly , Pompom , Joey
4 Pigs: Kalangala , Life Crisis , Blood Moon , All Day Night
1 Brown Cow: Bethany
3 Dinosaurs: Grady , Dwyer , Starlord
5 Rabbits: Shari , Flo , Pashmina , Mira , Diva
7 Void Chickens: Angelica , Theodosia , Eliza , Maria , A. Burr , Laurens , A. Ham
6 Goats: Tandoori , Tamarillo , Tamarind , Tanacity , Tangerine , Tambourine
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