Ivan is married to Abigail , has a 122 day old daughter named Cleo and a 33 day old son named Negan , and has a pet cat named Boro.
Farm horse: Scadufax
4 Ducks: Kikita , Ziana , Mami , Chubbie
2 Brown Chickens: Zack , Prito
12 Pigs: Wiskers , Cernard , Pepe , Butadon , Prunurt , Fresaboo , Linurt , Nonie , Girtabell , Rem , Branita , Matsia
5 Rabbits: Bugs Bunny , Brepabella , Bus , Rumbus , Lecko
3 Void Chickens: Punover , Trumbo , Frusell
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