Izzy is married to Leah , has a 212 day old daughter named Justina and a 126 day old son named Darius , and has a pet cat named Tiger.
Farm horse: Gwynteigr
3 Sheeps: Cherry , City , Shepard
1 White Cow: Bubbles
1 White Chicken: Stiletto
1 Brown Chicken: Becky
1 Blue Chicken: Oceanus
3 Pigs: Croc , Joel , Pegasus
2 Brown Cows: Stella , Lisa
1 Dinosaur: Isidore
2 Void Chickens: Abyss , Astro
3 Rabbits: Bugs , Grump , Wuzzy
3 Ducks: Buck , Chuck , Luck
3 Goats: Bella , Gloatie , Ying
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