Kendy is married to Haley , has a 269 day old son named Kappa and a 181 day old daughter named Lillie , and has a pet dog named Tyler.
Farm horse: Pours
2 White Cows: Alistar , Xaien
5 Ducks: Quacky , Damien , Humphrey , Cartel , Quacker
4 Brown Chickens: Giy Yik , Giy Bay , Pollo , Sakura
9 Pigs: Pinny , David , Lemon , Bobo , Shinabell , Iggy , Piggy , Porky , Wu
2 Brown Cows: Golem , Elias
1 Dinosaur: Minie
2 Rabbits: Mistake 2 , Autismo
2 Void Chickens: P Daddy , Seemless
8 Goats: Lil Yatchy , Tolla , Little !$^# , Kendy , Bob Ross , Rock , Sona , Stan Lee
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