Edgar is married to Abigail , has a 155 day old daughter named Alice and a 67 day old son named henrique , and has a pet dog named Slifer.
Farm horse: Grover
1 White Chicken: Snolle
1 Brown Chicken: Snucka
5 Pigs: Giana , Groka , Juffy , Shekumo , Sniskers
7 Brown Cows: Brubbie , Sungus , Trover , Precko , Snalbert , Snetcha , Sna-bell
12 Dinosaurs: Dina , Che , Wollo , Pi , Sirtie , Bussie , Motso , Kanu , Sema , Shubba , Shena , Protsie
8 Void Chickens: Catchu , Fona , Grack , Zope , Feku , Zetch , Jernard , Bretchie
1 Rabbit: Frupi
4 Ducks: Kirda , Grinnie , Poma , Kita
12 Goats: Fu , Snesu , Silbert , Subba , Purtley , Bille , Chumbus , Bronio , Janny , Kanley , Tiso , Treffe
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