Crono is married to Abigail , has a 65 day old son named Lex , and has a pet cat named Alfador.
Farm horse: Red Hare
4 Ducks: Heuey , Latsabella , Fooie , Launchpad
1 Brown Chicken: Goku
96 Pigs: Grill , Chedda , Cassy , Proto Pig , Robyn , Dave , Joclyn , Sarah , Money Pig , PorkFriedRic , Kristen , Amanda , ^$#!ass , Jess , Filthy Animal , eatmy*%#^ , Italian Sasug , BUtt , Pork Soup , Penny Pig , Nicole , Suckadicka , Biuch , Robert Cop , Thanos , Peter , Bakon , Porkchop , Hotdog , Glazed Ham , Pork Rind , Sausage , Misha , Steve Jobs , Slimjim , Kebab , dollar pig , Fatkunt , Money , laser^$#! , cash money , Ram*%#^ , cash dawg , Dikbith , Jucyopusyy , kockers , mo money , Cash , Piggerssa , big money , Proxy Pig , Hefferwd , pig money , Hamson , Hamster , more money , how pig moen , Porky , Don Pig , Oolong , great bux , money9 , moeny2 , buxx2 , moey67 , fux buxx , buxx , SIr Cash , moejy2] , money 4 , moey7 , moeny66 , Clinton , francis , PIg mnw , pigmonopoly , profoiter , Litteral pig , Bux 5 , Obama , moreprofit , Hillary , Trump , Birnie sander , Stupid pig , unlimited pig , lonely pig , Fire pig , True Pig , learned pig , Ice lord pig , smart pig , Pure pig , Wise pig , thick bacon , hearty pigaa
2 Rabbits: Zamasu , Blackd
4 Void Chickens: Goku Black , Magus , Darth , Super Zama
Took 0.01737 s | privacy policy | source at GitHub
All Stardew Valley assets copyright Concerned Ape