Dahlia is married to Sebastian , has a 123 day old son named Lucas and a 37 day old daughter named Delilah , and has a pet dog named Goldilocks.
Farm horse: Edgar
2 White Chickens: Chocobo , Bethel
5 White Cows: Farore , Io , Vivian , Georgia , Petra
2 Void Chickens: Quincy , Magic
2 Brown Chickens: Arabella , Delilah
2 Blue Chickens: Pixel , Bluecifer
1 Pig: Penelope
1 Brown Cow: Heidi
2 Dinosaurs: Zacharie , Xander
2 Rabbits: Remy , Queen Alco
2 Ducks: Kaden , Nathalie
5 Goats: Millie , Uboa , Tera , Lailah , Jody
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