Naomi is married to Shane , has a 87 day old daughter named Nora and a 18 day old son named Noah , and has a pet dog named Nonie.
Farm horse: Fudge
2 Sheeps: Meekers , Peekers
2 White Cows: Renabell , Tre-bell
4 Brown Chickens: Tash , TreTre , Trikoo , Tubbie
1 Blue Chicken: Trurtu
3 Pigs: Gitell , Peb , Pub
1 Brown Cow: Cinabell
1 Dinosaur: Gojira
3 Rabbits: Peter , Cottontail , Floppsy
4 Ducks: Casa , Ceppa , Tack , Cu
4 Goats: Luffy , Lenu , Lona , Lazzy
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