Izabela is married to Sam , has a 88 day old daughter named Luna and a 20 day old son named Dante , and has a pet cat named Lady.
Farm horse: Zetch
6 Sheeps: Billy , Toko , Zo , Brirtley , Jitcha , Brato
3 White Cows: Lemabell , Framanie , Snerterss
4 White Chickens: Gripie , Somaa , Firtie , Monyws
2 Brown Chickens: Ru , Nasper
2 Blue Chickens: Minello , Sune
6 Pigs: Rus , Fony , Konabella , Nubbie , Chisad , Sisell
3 Brown Cows: Martley , Rinie , Nillardw
2 Dinosaurs: Prus , Grekers
4 Void Chickens: Shoku , Cana , Marters , Nepabo
5 Rabbits: Kine , Wopomo , Killy , Lella , WoWo
5 Ducks: Sninody , Chollo , Brucka , Wakers , Frolli
6 Goats: Snertu , Ginano , Ceka , Gaboo , Kotsi , Grumers
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