Dickbutt is married to Leah , has a 142 day old son named DatBoi and a 74 day old daughter named Sansa , and has a pet cat named Cayleigh.
Farm horse: Pepe
10 Void Chickens: Fo , Brokie , Nomo , Jonurt , Shertu , Wumbus , Rerta , So , Fripi , Mecko
4 Brown Chickens: Brilly , Bellie , Jasko , Wuma
2 Blue Chickens: Snutse , Fate
13 Pigs: Zella , Risi , Sitsu , Frene , Traboo , Sella , Tamona , Felley , Fripers , Snako , Frenu , Kumo , Treckardo
11 Rabbits: Bungus , Zanell , Frupe , Tekos , Prita , Manabella , Chitsa , Petonie , Sisicko , Ginabella , Truna
16 Ducks: Chiti , Fime , Cello , Chopi , Kutsi , Zenabo , Sosi , Chona , Pilbo , Nimi , Cine , Weckardo , Jutchu , Polle , Frozzy , Zecka
5 Goats: Prernard , Fitsu , Tratchu , Pralbert , Kani
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