Chrissy is married to Sam , has a 56 day old daughter named Juliet , and has a pet dog named Dobbie.
Farm horse: Epona
5 Sheeps: Rey , Kylo , Chewie , Han , Yoda
6 White Cows: Meg , Kida , Belle , Kiara , Ariel , Moana
2 White Chickens: Alaska5000 , Jinkx
2 Brown Chickens: Adore , RuPaul
4 Pigs: Petunia , Daisy , Lily , Aster
2 Brown Cows: Minnie , Tink
1 Void Chicken: Blaarg
4 Rabbits: BunBun , Judy , Hops , Floof
3 Ducks: Jujubee , Latrice , Katya
3 Goats: Mercy , Sylvanas , Midna
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