Haz is married to Shane , has no children, and has a pet cat named Pygmalion.
Farm horse: Bucephalus
1 Sheep: *^#&$y
1 White Cow: Cassiopeia
4 White Chickens: Wanda , Ursula , Clucksphere , Haz
1 Brown Chicken: Bertram
1 Blue Chicken: Zelda
4 Pigs: Enzo , Zephyr , Pendleton , Sesame
3 Brown Cows: Simone , Bambi , Tortellini
3 Ducks: Melpomene , Puddlestuff , Incubus
2 Rabbits: Titania , Jasper
1 Void Chicken: Celeste
1 Goat: Guinevere
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