Jenny is married to Emily , has a 136 day old daughter named Lilah and a 71 day old son named Ed , and has a pet cat named Tilly.
Farm horse: Cho
2 Sheeps: Nomo , Joshua
1 White Cow: Fusello
3 Ducks: Shana , Kurt , Bron
1 Brown Chicken: Birte
11 Pigs: Bitino , Shine , Pubba , $*#%!s , Tutie , Woka , Weffe , Sackoze , Sue , Cindy , Paula
1 Brown Cow: Killy
1 Dinosaur: Cera
2 Rabbits: Pubert , Chollo
5 Void Chickens: Mikel , Certu , Ray , Lo-Lo , Gil
2 Goats: Gotcha , Balla
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