Kirathy is married to Leah , has a 152 day old daughter named Lina and a 85 day old son named Halt , and has a pet cat named Bartolomeow.
Farm horse: Sugarfoot
3 Sheeps: Nella , Jika , Ritchie
2 White Cows: Fimie , Kano
1 White Chicken: Pico
1 Blue Chicken: Brinsy
3 Pigs: Bine , Jatso , Butt
1 Brown Cow: Bricke
3 Dinosaurs: Trolla , Ryu , Rutcho
1 Void Chicken: Pirigotica
3 Rabbits: Caishe , Brutoze , Cheppa
3 Ducks: Zanny , Freturt , Tresers
3 Goats: Wasona , Mella , Rumbus
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