Tobin is married to Abigail , has a 189 day old daughter named Ruby and a 79 day old son named Simon , and has a pet cat named Boris.
Farm horse: Horsey
3 Sheeps: Shoop , Wooly , Mr fluffy
4 Pigs: Matada , Pat , Smash , Dug
2 Goats: Lamba , Snuffels
1 Brown Cow: Bluebell
2 White Cows: Guthen , Timtam
1 White Chicken: Lunite
2 Void Chickens: Voidy , Stankey
2 Rabbits: Who Needs , Legs Mate!
1 Brown Chicken: Chuck
2 Ducks: Qualer , Gaspode
2 Dinosaurs: Dinosara , Richard
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