Courtney is married to Sam , has a 378 day old daughter named Melody and a 334 day old son named Todd , and has a pet cat named Ming.
Farm horse: Grover
7 Brown Chickens: Donna , Connie , Honey , Selena , Gretchen , Beatrice , Jeppa
6 Ducks: Chelsea , Daisy , Gubbie , Janie , Penelope , Wilma
6 White Cows: Frickabella , Rilba , Tatsa , Zoe , Winnie , Grace
12 Goats: Sertito , Frota , Gozzy , Cina , Chollo , Chena , Petunia , Jilba , Katrina , Seminole , Truthful , Patches
6 Brown Cows: Nokia , Nunonie , Ruth , Tilly , Brusonie , Moira
12 Sheeps: Prudence , Sue Ellen , Auntie , Martha , Lambchop , Granny , Coat , Tanya , Grickabella , Merry , Sheppa , Charlene
8 Rabbits: Tike , Fredrick , Pickett , Bradley , Lotso , Mumo , Russell , Chockibo
3 White Chickens: Picki , Wotchley , Kendra
12 Pigs: Harrow , Sumo , Milo , Gus , Tommy , Gibson , Sammy , Charlie Uno , Princeton , Jerome , Albert , Richard
6 Blue Chickens: Bleu , Barbara , Celestine , Blue Bell , Marina , Azure
6 Dinosaurs: Lucky , Buki , Mona , Lomia , Gocco , Delta
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