Oak is married to Abigail , has a 164 day old daughter named Hope and a 98 day old son named Mir , and has a pet cat named Feefi.
Farm horse: Ku
36 Pigs: Conio , Mongus , Wellello , Lotino , Fus , Jako , Trine , Snarte , Wo , Futa , Wano , Trapi , Geko , Brumbo , Puto , Wana , Jep , Chopu , Kusu , Brotso , Fri , Prapa , Li , Cheffe , Grata , Trillie , Sho , Bro , Tosu , Shimi , Cheppo , Tani , Cotchie , Mopa , Ruffy , Tru
4 White Cows: Cirtabella , Muma , Lanley , Cha
4 Goats: Chorte , Guna , Jata , Nussie
2 Brown Cows: Toka , Taishe
2 Sheeps: Nepe , Brona
2 Dinosaurs: Zeppo , Ra
1 Void Chicken: Wurt
1 Blue Chicken: Satchi
1 White Chicken: Rella
3 Rabbits: Tubbie , Grilli , Coti
3 Ducks: Malbert , Shinsy , Prasu
1 Brown Chicken: Nomo
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