Diana is married to Sam , has a 65 day old daughter named Delilah , and has a pet cat named Clarion.
Farm horse: Maverick
4 Dinosaurs: Stega , Jocco , Neanna , Regina
4 Rabbits: Snuffle , Suki-yo , Brittni , Woofie
1 Void Chicken: McAdam
3 Brown Chickens: Micky , Nanny , Siskers
3 Ducks: Kimsy , Sally , Kallaboo
1 White Chicken: Mary
4 Pigs: Norbert , 阿久 , Chini , Smirk
2 Brown Cows: 阿久 , Roma
2 Goats: 鱼塘主 , Trinnie
1 White Cow: Mocha
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