Rochelle is married to Harvey , has a 202 day old daughter named Yona and a 115 day old son named Hope , and has a pet dog named Princess.
Farm horse: Epona
2 Blue Chickens: Lili , Shin-ah
1 Brown Chicken: Yona
1 Void Chicken: Argila
2 Rabbits: Hak , Kouren
4 Ducks: Zeno , Geun-tae , Jae-ha , Kija
2 Dinosaurs: Soowon , Mundok
24 Pigs: Kohaku , Onigumo , Kagome , Miroku , Kirara , Rin , Inuyasha , Sango , Koga , Kikyo , Sesshomaru , Shippo , Erza , Juvia , Jellal , Sting , Mirajane , Gray , Ultear , Lucy , Freed , Natsu , Laxus , Wendy
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