Pheo is married to Leah , has a 767 day old daughter named Phoebe and a 699 day old son named Phlipper , and has a pet cat named Dudley.
Farm horse: Grover
20 Pigs: Fruki , Kasper , Shine , Garters , Pricka , Woke , Micki , Foku , Grurt , Rillu , Tuckers , Bikumo , Juffy , Jesi , Nillina , Nutcho , Reffe , Churta , Topa , Bumu
1 Brown Cow: Jamona
2 Goats: Chongus , Lite
1 White Cow: Veal
2 Brown Chickens: Pus , ShuShu
2 Blue Chickens: Chernard , Nalbert
2 Void Chickens: Lullibo , Chilla
2 Ducks: Rocco , Brella
1 Rabbit: Bruckers
1 Dinosaur: Martin
2 White Chickens: Cupo , Patsell
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