flowerfoxy is married to Sebastian , has a 388 day old daughter named Fey and a 320 day old son named Stan , and has a pet cat named Tiger.
Farm horse: Suusie
2 Sheeps: Gruse , Ja-Jaaaaaaa
5 White Cows: Nemie , Trumo , Shutsley , Sellodddddd , Finu
1 White Chicken: Bemos
4 Brown Chickens: Muisje , Koekje , Nirley , Kippie
4 Pigs: Binony , Kekaboo , Snover , Billumo
3 Dinosaurs: Dino , Chasko , Bollabell
4 Ducks: Fupu , Cicky , Grotover , Bu
6 Rabbits: Pash , Tre , Nitchie , Chocko , Pomoe , Furt
1 Void Chicken: Pixie
3 Goats: Pomino , Pebs , Killo
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