Christopher is married to Leah , has a 88 day old son named Manuel and a 24 day old daughter named Laura and a 23 day old daughter named Cathrine , and has a pet dog named Wanny.
Farm horse: Grover
3 Sheeps: Trallie , Shike , Songus
1 White Cow: Keppo
3 Pigs: Frami , Pungus , Naishe
1 Brown Cow: Shuffy
6 Rabbits: Ralle , Kuckell , Tone , Kenumo , Broters , Nickard
5 Ducks: Greti , Prarters , Mullo , Wutsello , Bretch
4 Goats: Lutchu , Grena , Gruto , Batche
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