Violet is married to Sebastian , has no children, and has a pet cat named Ginger.
Farm horse: Estrea
3 Sheeps: Wooly , Sheepy , Cloudy
2 White Cows: Dairy , Hope
2 White Chickens: Eggy , Chicky
5 Brown Chickens: Plucky , Brownie , Doodle , Pecky , Bono
5 Pigs: Piggy , Pinky , Porky , Spoinky , Oinky
5 Brown Cows: Whitney , Milky , Moo , Melon , Cowwy
4 Dinosaurs: Reptile , Lizzy , Debby , Dino
4 Void Chickens: Voidy , Oddball , Blacky , Red
4 Rabbits: Fluffy , Bunny , Fuzzy , Bun-bun
4 Ducks: Becky , Ducky , Greeny , Duckling
4 Goats: Goaty , Pumpkin , Gogo , Oldie
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