Ciplax is married to Haley , has no children, and has a pet cat named Snona.
Farm horse: Frosley
11 White Cows: Kollo , Zone , Cono , Shemabella , Charta , Rullers , Shemu , Tra-bell , Biana , Nash , Sacku
4 White Chickens: Chini , Broze , Fatse , Paboo
2 Brown Chickens: Kesanie , Citu
12 Blue Chickens: Sholla , Shatrina , Fepe , Grello , Prickie , Trumbus , Fritie , Jutanie , Bratsley , Bono , Kope , Wame
12 Pigs: Gutcho , Piku , Trus , Congus , Gortumo , Ketcho , Snussie , Tati , Conie , Tupe , Ja , Getcha
1 Void Chicken: Snapo
4 Rabbits: Gruni , Gipa , Brumbus , Sninono
1 Duck: Bratso
1 Goat: Brilly
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