Gaby is married to Shane , has a 33 day old son named Jake , and has a pet cat named Cheshire.
Farm horse: Lemonade
4 Sheeps: Zortanie , Tina , Totie , Cusa
2 White Cows: Bessy , Grutsu
5 White Chickens: Picken , Zoma , Ticken , Gitell , Frallid
2 Brown Chickens: Bratsos , Kicken
2 Blue Chickens: Baba Dee , Baba Dye
3 Pigs: Dig , Jep , Proka
2 Ducks: Koso , Pemo
3 Rabbits: Babbit , Funny , Munny
2 Void Chickens: Vicky , Victor
3 Goats: Sortley , Sinu , Lo
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