Lew is married to Leah , has a 604 day old daughter named Spring and a 536 day old son named Lee , and has a pet cat named Puddin.
Farm horse: Bebop
3 White Cows: Bertha , Burtie , Menaboo
3 White Chickens: Tandy , Faku , Cluckerella
1 Brown Chicken: Hentai
4 Pigs: Bunghole , Chungus , Zumbus , Chubawumba
1 Brown Cow: Castro
1 Dinosaur: Trump Jr
7 Ducks: Quackers , Cole , Dork , Edward , Duck Two , Potcho , Duckworth
4 Goats: MacGoatald , McGoat Face , Sir Hopsalot , Kendra
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