Valen is married to Leah , has a 194 day old daughter named Juniper and a 129 day old son named Oak , and has a pet cat named Ricky.
Farm horse: Moscato
4 Sheeps: Sleet , Hail , Snow , Rain
4 White Cows: Colby Jack , Cheddar , Mozzarella , Pepper Jack
7 Ducks: Quiche , Coffee , French Toast , Omelet , Pancake , Crepe , Hasbrown
4 Blue Chickens: Sunnyside , Overeasy , Scrambled , Hardboiled
8 Pigs: Truffle , Ice Cream , Cookie , Cobbler , Angelfood , Pudding , Shortcake , Pie
2 Brown Cows: American , Gouda
10 Rabbits: Buttercup , Pumpkin , Cub , Honey , Babycakes , Booboo , Cutiepie , Kit , Precious , Sweetie
1 Void Chicken: Deviled
6 Goats: Feta , Swiss , Parmesan , Provolone , Brie , Ricotta
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