Terabyte is married to Leah , has a 85 day old daughter named Mary and a 19 day old son named Dean , and has a pet dog named Crowley.
Farm horse: Grover
4 White Cows: Shosurt , Nartona , Rus , Peppa
1 White Chicken: Bickywwwa
3 Brown Chickens: Gete , Grunibodaaa , Zumosad
3 Pigs: Mucki , Napo , Greppo
1 Brown Cow: Pipito
3 Rabbits: Zinanod , Sninua , Snillard
4 Ducks: Traished , Koka , Zoma , Gotaw
3 Goats: Putchley , So , Sha-bell
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