Lolita is married to Haley , has a 111 day old son named Miles and a 45 day old daughter named Abby , and has a pet cat named Cancer.
Farm horse: Herménégilde
5 Sheeps: Snisina , Manny , Prunoze , Roger , Shawn
1 White Chicken: Patate
3 White Cows: Shullley , Vachier , Georgette
3 Ducks: Duckument , Pritsley , Bobette
3 Brown Chickens: PowPow , Jurt , Zillaboo
2 Blue Chickens: Paulette , Gise
7 Pigs: Laboo , Freke , Framizor , Pekurt , Vraiment , Oui , Shatrina
2 Brown Cows: Kuckino , Gontrande
11 Dinosaurs: Kacko , Leppa , FruFru , Follie , Rinana , Zitsa , Sumo , Petit Pied , Bepe , Shinabella , Sninoda
2 Rabbits: Lumbus , Gustavo
1 Void Chicken: Moumoute
7 Goats: Chello , Feko , Mem , Snorte , Kozzy , Bernardette , Bêêêêê
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