Dino is married to Leah , has a 466 day old son named Oliver and a 397 day old daughter named Lilly , and has a pet dog named Rex.
Farm horse: Snicki
1 Sheep: Meffe
1 White Cow: Greppa
3 White Chickens: White , Tu , Zinnie
5 Brown Chickens: FuFu , Torchic , Toriel , Meb , Zesa
3 Blue Chickens: Gane , Molla , Za
2 Pigs: Alma , Kumi
2 Brown Cows: Mu , Nu
1 Dinosaur: Spino
1 Void Chicken: Wapurt
1 Rabbit: Frash
4 Ducks: Ca , Bobo , Pemabella , Gralbert
2 Goats: Witchu , So
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