Lace is married to Elliott , has a 227 day old son named Sawyer and a 139 day old daughter named Lana , and has a pet dog named Rumble.
Farm horse: Sona
2 Sheeps: Fried Rice , Wasabi
3 White Cows: Sassy , Nimsy , Ripley
6 White Chickens: Kat , Cesa , Morg , Poppy , Fern , Paprika
4 Brown Chickens: Pepper , Pea , Jazz , Lulu
3 Pigs: Jimsy , SweetnSour , Cleatus
4 Brown Cows: Daisy , Petunia , Nappy , Buffy
5 Dinosaurs: Flo , Pheebs , Ned , Burns , Mumby
2 Void Chickens: Kip , Zapp
1 Rabbit: WadeyBunch
4 Ducks: Grimsy , Jumbus , Ryan , ChumLee
4 Goats: Chowder , Eggroll , Grutcho , Chroma
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