jeff is married to Leah , has a 227 day old daughter named lila and a 139 day old son named jeff.jr , and has a pet cat named bill .
Farm horse: tiro al blanco
8 Sheeps: fu , fausto , peppo , ce mamut , caperusa , sr.pelo , rastas , mimic
4 White Chickens: apolyon , leviathan , name is jeff , babilonia
2 Ducks: conde patula , pochinpato
3 Brown Chickens: Gronadilla , luci , alluh
1 Blue Chicken: toriel
8 Pigs: =steven= , SaNeeEeeES , grumpy , WALUIGI , Jojo's , mr.piggi , ballena willy , mobi dick
4 Brown Cows: lilith , tom lucitor , abbadon , azazel
7 Dinosaurs: morticia , anubis , pejelagarto , pejelagartojr , paquejuras , plantera , Chopabella
12 Rabbits: this , rodolfo , delete , chappie , soso , moon lord , duke fisrhon , golem , jason , freddy , kruger , kirche
12 Void Chickens: elbuendesayu , shane , pingod , chaman , pingo , gengar , sans , Ja-bell , gengar.jr , don , asgore , frisk
4 Goats: madre mia , lolo , kbark , willy
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