Opal is married to Abigail , has a 3 day old daughter named Amethyst , and has a pet dog named Bennie.
Farm horse: Styles
2 Sheeps: Sitcho , Trinsy
3 White Cows: Matty , Jamie , Jordie
3 White Chickens: Truffle , Sidney , Claude
1 Brown Chicken: Willa Cather
4 Pigs: Prelley , Sully , Grash , Kotsaboo
3 Brown Cows: Boeuf , Blue , Tulip
6 Ducks: Auston , Matty , Gash , Winona , Peach , Mitch
7 Rabbits: Pasper , Letcha , Ta-bell , Leckardo , Mitell , Bobo , Cosu
1 Void Chicken: Mirda
4 Goats: Lunell , Chasper , Trutie , Wayne
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