Mitch is married to Haley , has a 42 day old daughter named Winry , and has a pet dog named The General.
Farm horse: Prince
7 White Cows: Green , Payday , Gold , Riches , Dough , Sale , Diamonds
12 Pigs: Billionaire Jo , Money Bag , Dolla Bills , Bank Account , Penny Pinch , Piggy Bank , Mulah Baby , Pawn Shop , Makin Bank , Gold Mine , Just Money , Raining Muns
5 Brown Cows: Notes , Dollar , Muns , Fortune , Bills
12 Dinosaurs: Sheckles , Booty , Pound , Value , Smackeroo , Credits , Peso , Silver , Cash , G , Emeralds , Shillings
12 Rabbits: Loot , Jade , Register , Quarter , Change , Creditcard , Pearls , Debit , Cheque , Pennies , Sapphires , Chaching
12 Ducks: Export , Sponduli , Bling , Buckarooni , Goods , Dimes , Wad , Rubies , Cern , Buck , Yen , Coin
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All Stardew Valley assets copyright Concerned Ape