Len is married to Elliott , has a 166 day old son named Jake and a 57 day old daughter named Brini , and has a pet cat named Miso.
Farm horse: Groverw
2 Sheeps: KeKe , Cipo
3 White Cows: Frikurt , Pinie , Tatsu
3 White Chickens: Sutabell , Prus , Wetchie
3 Brown Chickens: Jurt , Prongus , Shatu
6 Blue Chickens: Bine , Tilbo , Snati , Cella , Jitu , Kutsa
15 Pigs: Zilla , Brikanie , Rotchie , Gine , Jumabell , Trecke , Gepo , Catu , Jutu , Nono , Tosie , Brusurt , Sipi , Galbert , Snongus
8 Brown Cows: Grutsley , Praishe , Snenu , Wetche , Pru-Pru , Zickello , Kus , Wasko
3 Dinosaurs: Trarta , Nilbo , Jetch
4 Void Chickens: Kia , Grito , Fus , Sneme
11 Rabbits: Zanu , Wodo , Snatchley , Sotcha , Shirti , Brutley , Jillo , Meffe , Piskers , Chimabo , Jotchley
2 Ducks: Choti , Trini
3 Goats: Zupoda , Gaboo , Ni
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