Phaedra is married to Maru , has a 132 day old son named Ronan and a 46 day old daughter named Zoie , and has a pet cat named Akuma.
Farm horse: Bucephalus
8 Brown Chickens: Speckle , Miso , Gully , Cecile , Gigi , Brioche , Chichiri , Fritz
4 Blue Chickens: Yogurt , Tamagotchi , Zell , Trixie
12 Ducks: Agrippa , Wix , Ratchet , Gosling , Daisie , Sonata , Kimchi , Trent , Cressida , Olive , Darkwing , Aisling
10 Void Chickens: Oval , Vixen , Snek , Zygor , Slade , Sheldon , Starry , Rai , Ernie , Fondue
8 Rabbits: Bunchie , Squeak , Snowgoon , Frito , Norbert , Silver , Shoshanna , Snacker
12 Pigs: Troll 2 , Polo , Pocky , Jedediah , Gamora , Pillow , Coulier , Mimsy , Fudge , Zhivalgo , Snoof , Petra
4 Sheeps: Briar , Kiki , Luxie , Baanard
3 Goats: Zanzibar , Kimber , Shelley
5 White Cows: Bambi , Jade , Zada , Lillian , Lulu
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