Jess is married to Sam , has a 148 day old son named Kim and a 58 day old daughter named Tiffany , and has a pet cat named Farah.
Farm horse: Winddancer
11 Void Chickens: ChozenHero , Foullwind , Cuna , SneakyZombi , Pur3vil , Darkstatus , FriedChicken , Kjellio , Deadeye , Shelby , Ozents
1 Rabbit: Hoppel
1 Duck: PrincessLei
20 Pigs: Frina , Pem , Susi , June , Bella , Cana , Momo , Lanabell , Pury , Nenia , Sinana , Bertha , Willma , Babe , Donna , Barbara , Lucky , Queeny , Poochie , Cookie
1 Brown Cow: Sadanimegirl
1 Sheep: FluffyUnicorn
1 Goat: Forks
1 White Cow: Freedom
1 Dinosaur: Spike
1 White Chicken: Forks
1 Brown Chicken: Gloombop
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