Bruna is married to Sam , has a 267 day old daughter named Melissa and a 201 day old son named Bernardo , and has a pet dog named Panqueca.
Farm horse: Meggy
2 Sheeps: Pompom , Framony
2 Brown Cows: Banga , Thiesca
16 Pigs: Sam , = , Rizzih , Lucky , Scarlet , Dean , Bruce Wayne , Sni , Jash , Lucille , A , Rafa , André , Arrow , Negan , Puffy
2 Goats: Dollynha , Curica
2 White Cows: Castiel , Bebê
12 Ducks: Belinha , Stranger , Shanell , Wanny , Geb , Kinnie , Lumby , Zash , Mike , Oliver , LiLi , Nillie
2 Dinosaurs: Stark , Thor
2 Blue Chickens: Snite , Hulk
2 Brown Chickens: Snipo , Lane
2 Rabbits: Lucifer , Rafael
2 White Chickens: Luh , Brisi
2 Void Chickens: Preta , Bri
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