Allan is married to Penny , has a 152 day old daughter named Susan and a 84 day old son named Jordan Bailey , and has a pet dog named Yoshi.
Farm horse: Rapidash
3 Ducks: Zeppa , Bapa , Beka
2 Dinosaurs: Trubbie , Dino
2 Brown Chickens: Geke , Nack
2 White Chickens: Chime , Lanono
1 Blue Chicken: Bloo =~
1 Rabbit: Litsu
1 Void Chicken: Lokie
2 White Cows: Traishe , Brito
2 Goats: Toriel , Asgore
5 Brown Cows: Filbert , Jupi , Bessie , Gotcho , Terrie
2 Pigs: Brano , Napoleon
1 Sheep: Rorte
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